Internal Tooth Resorption and Cancer: Are They Related?

Aug 27

Internal Tooth Resorption and Cancer: Are They Related?

Have you ever heard of Internal Tooth Respiration? Well, unless you’ve ever experienced it first-hand, or you’re a dentist chances are you might not be too familiar with it. To know more about this oral problem and dental treatment and procedures like the Minimax implant, you can click on the link provided.

So what exactly is Tooth Resorption?     

Tooth Resorption is the result of the osteoclasts in one’s body, breaking down and leading to progressive loss of both the dentin and cementum in one’s body, but in this case, their mouth specifically. When this process occurs, as a new permanent tooth develops, the roots to your teeth undergo an operation of breakdown and growth. The older cells then dissolve and are replaced by fresh cells that are laid down in deposition.

Losing your baby teeth so that permanent teeth can grow in is a form of Tooth Resorption, however, that all sounds pretty normal, right? So when does one having Tooth Resorption actually need to interpret it as a bad sign? Well, it’s not something you’d want to see once you’ve reached adulthood. And when your last pair of teeth are deteriorating, it’s not a thrilling feeling. Although it’s rare to get after childhood, it’s important to know what causes this breakdown.

Why? So that if you’re doing anything of the sort, you can be more conscious about how essential it is that you understand what it is, and also know that you need to visit a dentist at your soonest convenience if you think Tooth Resorption is occurring.

What causes Tooth Resorption?    

Many things can cause Tooth Resorption, and once those you’ve lost those permanent teeth, you don’t have a third pair of teeth on standby, so it’s very important to understand what to avoid. Eating a lot of sugar, for instance, can quickly potentially develop Tooth Resorption, but beyond that, it’s been found through studies that things that range from trauma, periodontal treatment, and also tooth whitening can put one at risk too. Too much of any of those can cause the inflammatory process to begin, sometimes out of the blue and it can really sneak up on you if you’re slow to react to the changes in your body.

But can it cause Cancer?    

internal tooth resorption and cancerOf the 191 people who reported that they had Tooth Resorption in 2019 alone, it’s difficult to find a direct correlation between the two. However, people who’ve already fought battles with cancer, such as most women with breast cancer, reported that they developed Tooth Resorption afterward too. Although there could be a connection between the two, studies also indicate that high levels of estrogen can also trigger the Resorption to start, and research indicates that it’s unlikely that cancer itself has much of a direct correlation to it.

Think you have Tooth Respiration?    

Contact and see your dentist immediately. The sooner you realize what’s occurring, the sooner it can get treated and you can hold onto your teeth for as long as possible! If you’re ever feeling tooth pain, notice discoloration, or a wiggle better safe than sorry!

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