Health and Safety Tips after Oral Surgery

Dec 29

Health and Safety Tips after Oral Surgery

People who have undergone oral surgery believe that once the procedure is finished, everything will be back to normal. They’re wrong. The truth is – there are a lot of health and safety tips to follow to make sure that there won’t be any complications after the surgery. A dentist from a clinic located near Earlwood highlights some of the most important reminders that should be strictly observed.

The goal of these health and safety tips is to make sure that no complications would take place such as infection and pain will be maintained at a minimal scale.

Don’t Stress Yourself Too Much

Take it easy. Don’t do a lot of things especially when you just had your surgery a few days ago. Especially if a sedative has been administered, it’s a no-no to drive a car or do something that requires focus since you’ll still be drowsy during that moment.

Don’t get engaged to strenuous activities as well. Lifting heavy objects and bending may dislodge blood clots, resulting to bleeding. It’s also recommended to use extra pillows when you’re about to sleep.

Follow Post-operative Instructions

The oral surgeon will surely give you instructions on what to do after your surgical procedure. Strictly follow it. Some of those important instructions include:

  • Avoidance of brushing or using of mouthwash, due to possible tooth sensitivity
  • Clean your teeth but avoid the area to where a surgery has been done
  • Rinse mouth with salt water, accompanied with one-half teaspoon of table salt, that’s mixed with around eight-ounce glass of warm water

The main goal of the instructions is to keep your oral cavity clean to lower the risk of infection.

Apply Ice Pack

Especially during the first 24 hours post-surgery, you might note some bruises or swell on your face. This is completely normal. You can apply ice pack on your jaw for around 30 minutes, then let it rest for approximately 15 minutes, and repeat the cycle.

Swelling should subside in two to three days. If it worsens, you may be experiencing infection. Therefore, visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Monitor the Blood Clot and Guard It

health and safety tips

Don’t ever disrupt the blood clot as it tries to heal any wounds present in your mouth. Part of guarding it is by not using a straw and avoiding the consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Don’t smoke for at least three days as well.

Take Your Pain Medications

Especially if you have low tolerance to pain, your dentist may prescribe analgesics. Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen may suffice, provided that your dentist is aware of it. Pain should subside in 48 hours.

Monitor the Surgical Site Closely

Keep an eye out on the surgical site for any signs of infection such as swelling and fever. The first two days are very critical and this requires close monitoring. If you’re noticing signs of complications, it’s best to contact your dentist right away.

Follow Scheduled Appointments

Regardless of how often you should have a follow-up check up with your dentist, follow it. That way, your dentist can tell if you’re recovering or there may be a potential problem.

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