How to stop snoring: Do Breathe Right strips work for snoring?

Nov 01

How to stop snoring: Do Breathe Right strips work for snoring?

Snoring can be a really big problem. It is not so much a problem for the snorer themselves, but more for the people around them. This article will talk about what causes snoring and also remedies for snoring. Do Breathe Right strips work for snoring? Read more to find out about treating snoring issues.

What causes snoring?

Many factors can cause a person to snore. The most common causes would be lying down on your back while sleeping, obesity, drinking alcohol right before sleeping at night and just the normal aging process. 

The explanation for snoring would be that as you relax during sleep, your tongue and throat muscles would relax. These relaxed muscles would cause a partial block in the airway. As you breathe, the air passing through would cause the muscles to vibrate. This vibration would be the snoring sound that would be heard.


The connection between nasal congestion and snoring

The cause of snoring is a blocked nasal passageway. A blocked airway because of nasal congestion can even make a non-snorer snore. If you are a snorer that has nasal congestion, the snoring may become even worse. 


Do Breathe Right strips work on snoring?

If the snoring is caused by nasal congestion, Breathe Right nasal strips would be able to lessen and even stop snoring. Breathe Right nasal strips would target the root problem of the snoring. Once the airway is clear, you will be able to get better sleep, and your partner will too because you will not be keeping them up by snoring.


How to eliminate snoring

do breathe right strips work for snoring

If your snoring is caused by something other than nasal congestion, Breathe Right strips will not likely work to eliminate your snoring. There would be a few preventive measures you can try.

Sleeping on your side. You can try sleeping on your side instead of your back. When you sleep on your back, as your muscles relax, your tongue will be more like to fall back against the roof of your mouth. This is less likely to happen if you sleep on your side instead.

Avoiding alcohol consumption before bed. Since having alcohol would cause your muscles to relax, having it too close before bedtime can cause snoring. If you avoid drinking alcohol before bed, you can reduce the risk of snoring as well.

Losing weight. Obesity is also one of the top causes of snoring. Losing some weight will also lessen the chances of you waking your partner up at night because of snoring.

Oral appliances. There are oral appliances such as snoring mouthguards that would promote an open airway while you sleep. 


If your snoring persists even after these preventive measures are applied, and you would want to stop snoring, it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor. They would be able to tell you what to do to stop or at least reduce your snoring. In extreme cases, they can recommend some surgical procedures that can help with your snoring.

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